Mia Anderberg Four Fit Challenge

Mia Anderberg works as a fashion and interior stylist for Mama, Amelia and Femina and is also a stylist for advertising assignments. She also runs the blog network Lovely Life consisting around ten lifestyle blogs where Mia herself also blogs. 

To Mia, sustainable fashion is a clear benchmark in her work. She is simply an expert at creating smart fourfits and keep her wardrobe climate friendly and at the same time fashionable. 

Mias 10 smart steps towards a climate friendly wardrobe:

  1. Go through your wardrobe, for example when you make your #fourfitchallenge.

  2. Pick out the stuff you like and want to use this spring and place them in front of you.

  3. Try to see if you've got a theme among your clothes. For example, I’ve got a lot of blue, black and grey clothes. A guideline is that you should be able to combine everything.

  4. Choose a few items, for example a few pants and/or skirts. It will be easier to find combinations if you start with, for example, your bottoms.

  5. Start to combine, either in your head or by putting them in order.

  6. Try to combine each item with five different combinations.

  7. Hang your favorite combinations at the front of your wardrobe. If you are tired in the morning and have children who will not let you browse through the closet, take pictures of combinations, print and put up on the inside of the closet.

  8. Now you have used what you already have. You can now more easily see what you actually need to buy. You can also see what you already have a lot of and stop buying that!

  9. Write in your phone what you miss in your wardrobe, so that you can check it the next time you stand in a clothing store pulling the same shirt you already have 10 of at home. 

  10. Sell what you could not combine on flea market, Finloppis (Luxury flea market), Swopshop or Tradera or donate to Myrorna, Emmaus, Stadsmissionen or to anyone in more need of the garment than you. Or invite your friends to a clothing switch party!

Visit Mias blogg for more inspiration or tips about the biggest trends this spring or sustainable fashion.

Try to see if you've got a theme among your clothes. A guideline is that you should be able to combine everything.